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D0129, Girl, Age 10
Region/Country/Area: South Asia / ??????? / ????????
Child Name: Sapana ????????
Background:Parents are very poor and work in the river shoveling sand. Sapana has been trying to go to school, but before and after school she must work in a local home cleaning pots and washing cloths in the river. Since they do not feed her she goes hungry. If she can get sponsored, she can get food and go to school without the pressure of also working a job.
D0128, Girl, Age 7
Region/Country/Area: South Asia / ??????? / ????????
Child Name: Alisha ????????
Background:Alisha's father is blind and mother is disabled. They cannot take care of her and have been forced to place her in a shelter for displaced children.
D0132, Girl, Age 15
Region/Country/Area: South Asia / ??????? / ????????
Child Name: Divya ????????
Background:Her mother is illiterate and father has mental illness. Being low-caste, they have no options to care or feed her. They are discussing selling her as a child bride to an older alcoholic man, known to be abusive..
D0124, Boy, Age 6
Region/Country/Area: South Asia / ??????? / ????????
Child Name: Sujan ????????
Background:Lives with his young mother and brother. Father abandoned family for a second marriage and left area.