Following is the latest update on the Egypt Youth Conference organized by Adrienne Evans and the AF Ministries Team and supported by Operation-Impact.  To help, you can donate direct to AF Ministries or use the Operation-Impact button at the bottom.


Egypt Youth ConferenceEgypt Conference September, 2023

I am so grateful for your love, prayers and gifts of finance for our SHE HE Conference, 2023.

We are still needing another 150 sponsors at $40 each.  We have 160 so far.  If you can sponsor one or some young people for this time of change, it is so appreciated .  God, each year, changes hearts and lives.  The young people cry out to “Become the Change” the future their country needs.  They come prepared for change, prepared to listen and learn, and prepared to take the change forward, walking it out in their every day life.

We welcome so far, 5 pastors flying in from South Africa to the conference.  They come to love and pray for the conference attendees.   May God bless them and others from the different nations as they come.

If you would like to donate, our website, is safe and easy to use, and also our mailing address is,
AF Ministries, PO Box 4611, Rome. NY 13442

God Bless you all richly, Love and be loved always.  You are His child and He is busy writing your amazing story daily.
We embrace the heart to build, the heart that loves:  that walks. talks and prays like ” The Beatitudes”

Adrienne and the team at AF Ministries.


You can give directly to AF ministries using the above information or through Operation-Impact right here:

Middle East Youth Conference


$40 / Youth

AF Ministries is coordinating life-building seminars to train up young adults in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. These seminars teach identity, personal development, language, and basic business marketing strategies. You can sponsor a young adult to one of these conferences through Operation-Impact here, or donate directly to them by clicking here AF Ministries Donate Page.

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