Operation-Impact is now a program under Global Impact Connect

Effective August 1, 2022, Global Impact Connect received approval as an independent 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization.  Operation-Impact.org is now a program under Global Impact Connect. This enables us to better develop our network meet unfunded needs in Nepal and all over the world as we extend our vision and network of partners.  Thank you for partnering with us to make an impact that changes the lives of children and the vulnerable all over the globe.

We extend an special “Thank-You” to Heartstone Ministries in Arizona for their financial support in achieving this milestone moment in our history.  We also want to thank both Church of the Nations and Children’s Rescue Initiative for their support and 501c3 umbrella covering for Operation-Impact’s programs since our small beginnings in 2016.  You have been a blessing and helped make the impossible a possibility for us!

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